
Our Services


Brake Service & Repair

When it comes to safety, no part of your vehicle is more important than the brakes. In Motion Automotive recommends that your vehicle’s brakes should be inspected at least once a year to ensure the condition of the hydraulic system and operating hardware. While the entire braking system requires attention, the friction components (pads, shoes, rotors and drums) require maintenance because they wear down each time you apply your brakes.

How can I tell when I need a brake service or brake repair?

  • The brake pedal can be depressed nearly to the floor.
  • You hear a squealing or other unusual noise when you apply the brakes. Some brands of brake pads have a built-in device that produces a high-pitched squeal when the brake pads need replacing.
  • The vehicle pulls to one side when you apply the brakes.
  • You feel a grinding or bumpy sensation as you come to a stop.
  • In general, if there is something about your brakes that is making you uncomfortable, you should have them inspected.

What are the benefits of a properly maintained braking system?

  • Safety
  • Firm and steady pedal feel
  • Peace of mind
  • Consistent stopping under repeated hard braking conditions
  • Even braking
  • Longer brake system component and friction material life
  • Smooth stopping

What is included in the In Motion Automotive brake service?

  • In Motion Automotive begins with a comprehensive inspection of your car’s entire braking system.
  • Pads and shoes are replaced if needed.
  • Wheel bearings are repacked as needed.
  • The brake hardware is properly lubricated.
  • The brake fluid is topped off.
  • The hydraulic system is purged of air and adjusted.
  • Drums and rotors are refinished if required.
  • At an additional cost, the drums and rotors are replaced if they are out of specifications.
  • Based on our inspection, other components may need to be replaced.

This service, like all services performed by In Motion Automotive, are recommended based on manufacturer’s standards, or when determined by our inspection and industry standards.

Don’t put off brake service and repair, come see us at In Motion Automotive today!

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Vehicle need repair? We'll fix it.

We specialize in car repair, give us a call or have your vehicle dropped off!

Call: (913) 393-5959


Address 1919 East Spruce Street, Olathe KS 66062
Contact Phone (913) 393-5959
E-mail Address inmotionauto@yahoo.com
Opening Hours Mon-Fri: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday/Sunday: Closed

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